With bruising, tissues underlying the skin are damaged and this results in pain, swelling, and black/blue marks where the blood collects. The skin is not broken with bruises. Contributing factors include injury, anemia, malnutrition, obesity, leukemia, high use of anti-clotting drugs, clotting, and thrombosis. Bruising can be an early warning sign of cancer. Place an ice pack over the bruise for the first 30 minutes. [ 107 more words ] Dress Affordable dress used for bridesmaid which is child
Bruises/ Abrasions/ Cuts
With bruising, tissues underlying the skin are damaged and this results in pain, swelling, and black/blue marks where the blood collects. The skin is not broken with bruises. Contributing factors include…herbalhealthreview.com
Truman Berst
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Truman Berst