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low back or backless dress for wedding

Important ??? ????? -----
Crystals found in Acidic Urine Only
Uric Acid ...
Amorphous Urates
Crystals found in Alkaline Urine Only
Triple Phosphate
Ammonium Biurate
Calcium Carbonate
Crystals found in Acid/Neutral Urine
Calcium Oxalate

Crystals found in Alkaline/Neutral Urine Amorphous Phosphates

Uric Acid yellowish-brown, rhombic plates, rosettes, wedges, and needles in acidic urine

Amorphous Urates Brick dust/yellowish-brown granules, often in clumps
in acidic urine

Calcium Oxalate colorless "envelopes" in acidic/neutral urine

Amorphous Phosphates white colorless granules in alkaline/neutral urine

Triple Phosphate colorless prisms resembling "coffin lids" in alkaline urine

Ammonium Biurate Yellowish-brown spicule-covered spheres resembling "throny-apples" in alkaline urine

Calcium Carbonate colorless dumbells or spheres in alkaline urine

Cystine colorless hexagonal plates in acidic urine

Cholesterol colorless rectangular plates with a notch in one or more corners in acidic urine

Leucine Yellowish-brown spheres with concentric circles with radial striations in acidic/neutral urine low back or backless dress for wedding

Bilirubin Yellow clumped needles in acidic urine

Tyrosine colorless/yellow fine needles in acidic/neutral urine

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